Understanding XPages Part 4

Expression Language

Now that we have established a baseline familiarity with Managed Beans, let’s dig into how we use and interact with them. Expression Language generally takes the form of #|${BeanName.property|method} or it can be expressed as #|${BeanName[index|'key']}. The first character indicates whether the value binding is dynamic (# - value is computed every time the expression is evaluaged) or static ($ - value is computed once at page load and never changes. Some properties must be one or the other, but many accept either. BeanName is self-explanatory. Property is either used as a key for Map and DataObject objects, or it is converted to a getter. property becomes getProperty() or isProperty() (if boolean).

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Understanding XPages Part 3


Before going too much further in our exploration of JSF, it is important to make sure there is a clear understanding of exactly what scopes are and how they work. Within XPages, there are 4 scopes, which are just Map<String,Object> objects to store values. Going from narrowest to broadest they are:

  • Request
  • View
  • Session
  • Application
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Understanding XPages Part 2

Managed Beans

If you aren’t familiar with beans, then you need to know there are three things that define a bean compared to a plain old Java object (POJO).

  1. They have a zero-argument constructor
  2. They are serializable
  3. They use accessor methods (getters and setters)

The question is, why are these things important to us in JSF?

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Understanding XPages Part 1

JSF is a standard Java EE tool for dynamically generating websites using servlets. XPages extends JSF with UI Components and Java libraries that allow the presentation of No-SQL (Domino) data to the browser. It can be very useful to understand JSF in order to understand how to leverage XPages rather than fighting against it. There is a lot of complexity to JSF, but you can get a lot out of it without plumbing its full depth.

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Formally moving blog presense to Github

I’ve moved my blogging here because it seems a more natural fit for a developer, because I wanted a clean break from my old blog, and because it lets me write and format things offline. There will be some test posts and perhaps some hand-migrated content and then I’ll be back to my erratic posting schedule.

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